All of Aquinas's Five Ways depend, in one way or another, on ruling out the possibility of infinite causal regresses. In the version of the First Way (the argument from motion) in the Summa Contra Gentiles (I.13), Aquinas follows Aristotle in offering two separate arguments against the causal regress. In the first three ways in the Summa Theologiae, he offers just one of the two Aristotelian arguments: an argument that depends on what I call the No-Intermediate-Real-Cause thesis. This is a thesis that states that if x is a cause of y, and y is a cause of z, then y is not really a cause in the strict sense but only secundum quid (only in a manner of speaking). An intermediate link in a causal chain is not in any sense the source of the reality of the ultimate effect--it is merely a conduit through which the first cause acts. Therefore, an infinite regress is impossible, because (as Aristotle and Aquinas note) every link in the regress would be only an intermediate cause. Hence, such a regress cannot contain any real causation.
This is a plausible argument, despite the fact that it is often dismissed as based on a fallacy of equivocation. The standard objection (going back at least to Cajetan, I believe) is that Aquinas equivocates on the phrase "removing the first cause." If we have a finite chain and we hypothetically remove the first cause from the series, it is obvious that none of the intermediate causes can act. Aquinas asserts that if we consider any infinite regress, we have a situation from which we have (in a sense) "removed the first cause". But, as critics point out, in this case there never was a first cause to be "removed", and so the cases are incomparable. However, Aquinas real point is simply to claim that intermediate causes are never causes in their own right but are always wholly parasitic on the first cause. Given that assumption, infinite causal regresses are indeed impossible. The other strategy for dealing with infinite regresses was invented by Avicenna, followed by Scotus, Leibniz, and many subsequent thinkers (including me in 1997). This is the Aggregation Strategy. The Aggregation Strategy concedes, for the sake of argument, that infinite regresses are possible. However, the Strategy insists, if a regress consists entirely of contingent (or finite) things, then we can aggregate the whole series into a single entity and insist on a cause for it. Start now with a single finite thing, and consider all of the finite causes of that thing (whether immediate or remote). Either this series terminates in an uncaused thing, or else it constitutes an infinite regress. In the latter case, we can demand a cause for the whole series. This cause must be infinite, since any finite cause of the series would be a cause of the original entity and so would already be included in the series itself. A member of the series cannot cause the whole series. An infinite thing cannot be caused. And so we reach an uncaused first cause. Aquinas was aware of this strategy, through his close reading of Avicenna. Why didn't he adopt it? I think he was worried that not all infinite series can be aggregated into a single entity. If an infinite series consists of entities of the same species (or a finite number of species), then it has the characteristic that Aquinas labels being accidentally infinite. An accidentally infinite series can be aggregated and must be caused as a whole. This is why Aquinas can concede that accidentally infinite series might exist without losing the force of his first cause argument. However, if an infinite series consists of entities of an infinite number of species, with the species climbing progressively higher and higher in the Great Chain of Being, the Aggregation Strategy could not be convincingly applied. Aquinas would call such a series essentially infinite, and he must (if the Second or Third Way is to work) deny the metaphysical possibility of such a series. This is why he appeals to Aristotle's argument and what I call the No-Intermediate-Real-Cause thesis, which should now be applied only to series that rise "vertically" through the ontological order of species.
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AuthorRob Koons, a professor of philosophy, trained in the analytic tradition at Oxford and UCLA. Specializing in the further development of the Aristotle-Aquinas tradition in metaphysics and the philosophy of nature. Archives
August 2022